
Development blog

upload.farm & Stardew Valley v1.1
by laukei at 2016-10-02 20:26:30

Hello! This is just a short message to say we're currently working on support for the v1.1 update but at present using savegames from the prerelease or version 1.1 is not advised! We expect to update the site to handle saves from 1.1 in the next few days, and apologise for the inconvenience!

upload.farm Version 4 live!
by laukei at 2016-06-01 21:41:11

The update is now live! There are a couple of bugs we've noticed (nothing major) which we're in the process of fixing. As ever, please report any bugs/feature requests or ask questions in the official Reddit thread!

Update coming Wednesday 1st June
by laukei at 2016-05-31 22:07:26

Hello! We're pushing a big update tomorrow (Wednesday) that will bring many requested features to the site. This update will include:

  • Voting on farms
  • Improved Browse menu with
    • Farm search
    • Sort by: most viewed, most recent, and highest rated
    • View with proper (non-minimap) thumbnail
    • Show only farms with downloadable savegames
    • Show only farms I upvoted
    • Show only farms from the same series
  • Ability for registered users to 'unlist' farms so they don't appear in the search, and to turn this on by default for all new uploads
  • New gallery mode for viewing farm series
  • Ability to reset your account password in case you've forgotten it*

There are a bunch of minor tweaks too, and a slight rearrangement of the profile page. We'll try to time the upgrade for a low point in site usage to minimize disruption, but expect a little downtime!

Hello! We've pushed an incremental update which adds a few features to the site, and many bugfixes. In terms of features added, by far the most useful is one-click post-to-imgur for people who are logged in. If it works well and is popular, we'll look at adding an opt-in auto-upload to imgur for new submissions. Also, we finally added unicode support, so non-Latin character sets are now properly supported.

As ever, if there are bugs please let us know in the big reddit thread. Thanks!

Pushed hotfix, upload.farm uploader (alpha)
by laukei at 2016-04-21 14:03:47

Hello! We've just pushed a hotfix which addresses several bugs introduced with the big site update two days ago. In addition to this, we have added support to the site for and are open testing upload.farm uploader, software to allow users to automatically upload their farm daily as they play. The packaged executable is available here, but should be considered alpha-quality! If you try it out, please let us know how it goes in the big update thread on Reddit!

Full changelog:

  • Registered users now have an accounts page that shows all claimable and uploaded farms. (more features will be added to this in future updates)
  • Mushroom trees now display
  • Gates now display
  • Repaired greenhouses now display
  • Trees now display at the correct stage of growth
  • Layering issue with edge of bounding cliff fixed

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