뮤리 is married to Elliott , has a 63 day old son named 뮤엘 , and has a pet cat named 아메.
Farm horse: 루나
3 Blue Chickens: Pratchley , Trine , Noma
6 White Chickens: 굽네 , 빡빡 , Gretsu , Ruckonie , Feffe , 샤샤
3 Void Chickens: Brekique , Micki , Wake
12 Pigs: Sanny , Raners , 꿀꿀이 , 돼지고기 , Grinsy , Snotsley , Ripi , Trinono , Nack , Backu , Pri , 족발
4 Ducks: 훈제 , Sartabell , 호식이 , 곽곽
4 Rabbits: 토끼 , 하루 , Malbert , 포로리
3 White Cows: Grullers , dmaaj , 안심
4 Brown Cows: Rirley , 소고기 , 뭐어 , Gratie
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