Farmer Woo is married to Abigail , has a 88 day old son named Armani and a 18 day old daughter named Saintelle , and has a pet dog named Brownie.
Farm horse: Groverwwse
20 Pigs: [215][226][74] , Motheruker , [288][163][80] , Tru , Zupono , DdongKko , Trutu , [226][215][74] , [163][288][90] , Snapabo , [74][226][215] , [163][166]hi , void [308] , [166][163] , [163][166] , [111][96][99] , Prena , [140][120][98] , Perta , Neckanie
3 Dinosaurs: Guno , buildapcsale , Brinomo
8 Ducks: Snekicka , Kulli , Zeno , Nupley , Ducklord , Jininaw , gnilkcud , Shome
1 Rabbit: [163][166]by
4 Sheeps: Rurt , Prash , Wasper , BabyShpee
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape