Fisa is married to Haley , has a 128 day old son named Ezreal and a 53 day old daughter named Mary , and has a pet dog named Batonchik.
4 Ducks: Kyungsoo , Sett , Duck , Goose
4 Rabbits: Nuki , Banana , Pusha , Bubble
2 Brown Chickens: Bebe , Chanyeol
1 White Chicken: Peepee
3 Sheeps: Kayn , Gerard , Goat
1 Brown Cow: Kazuha
4 Goats: Booblik , S3tt , $#^%* , Asshole
3 Pigs: Mini Fatty , Fatty , Dragonborn
1 White Cow: Chaeyong
2 Dinosaurs: Cutie , Kitty
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