wywwyw is married to Abigail , has a 924 day old son named Van and a 836 day old daughter named ssibal , and has a pet dog named wyw.
Farm horse: Grover
12 Ducks: Snume , Lunu , Mirto , Freckardo , 치킨 , 고기 , Bropie , Satsio , Zongus , Snubba , Masko , Sipique
12 Sheeps: Katsie , Raishe , Metsa , Rona , Shinano , Grarta , Brea , Prona , Tritu , Cetch , Gracke , Komi
12 Goats: Wipu , Fakicko , Gertino , Kupia , Jumby , Prasabo , Po , Ziki , Ninono , Prubba , Zunanie , Cullie
12 Dinosaurs: Pepo , Bipony , Kone , Jinell , Fotchers , 용가리치킨 , Laboo , Cillard , Chaturt , Japi , Kanoze , Canello
12 Pigs: Rana , Natu , Sackers , Choturt , Renley , Wumbus , Romono , Snani , Rartabo , Britchie , Racko , Cheturt
2 Blue Chickens: Nesibo , Treno
2 White Chickens: Tratchu , Wenanie
2 Brown Chickens: Pillo , Teners
6 : La , Traka , Kilbert , Buners , Wubba , Martu
4 Brown Cows: Chuso , Pimie , Snurtley , Kekina
2 White Cows: Jotchie , Jetsu
12 Rabbits: Martie , Snutello , Micko , Snotsers , Snomini , Nena , Shullie , Snackie , Sonell , !$# , Wonabo , Wuckanieaa
11 Void Chickens: Weffe , Luners , Ri , Busers , Retsu , Tinurt , Snortu , Rame , Greke , Motcha , Gucku
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