路人先生 is married to Emily , has a 253 day old son named Leggy and a 182 day old daughter named Dio , and has a pet cat named TaDa.
Farm horse: 普丁
4 Rabbits: 兔兔 , 花花 , 毛毛 , 泡泡
2 Dinosaurs: 6tan , NL
1 White Chicken: 雪莉
1 Void Chicken: tom60229
2 Ducks: 呱吉 , 圆圆
1 Blue Chicken: 李迅
1 : 波峰湊
4 Brown Cows: 餐哥 , 蛋堡 , Big D , yo
3 Sheeps: Faker , Toke , Wolf
4 Goats: 牛 , Corona , 戈登 , 澳大利
1 : Speed
12 Pigs: 水水 , 9m88 , Julia , Jony J , Buzzy , Rich Brian , Leo王 , Ozi , 大支 , 小人 , Kendrick Lamar , BCW
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