Brendan is married to Leah , has no children, and has a pet cat named Adolf.
4 Ducks: Tuckie , Gollello , Patchers , Focco
4 Rabbits: [447][143][698] , [446][140][156 , [447][422][430] , Tratrina
3 White Chickens: B , [163][166][99] , A
1 Brown Chicken: [163][163][98]
4 Goats: Snutcha , [128][148] , Wonicka , Beppo
3 White Cows: Shello , Grinana , Natchie
2 Pigs: [699][701] , Ra[164][394]
2 Sheeps: Kockie , [156][700]
1 Brown Cow: Trarti
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