lesbian is married to Leah , has a 325 day old daughter named Phinasey and a 38 day old son named Pekabell , and has a pet cat named Jumbus.
Farm horse: Gemavieve
1 White Chicken: Kajmeere
15 Rabbits: Grine , Murta , Fumbo , Berthony , Frarti , Netcha , Pru , Sorti , Branizor , Litsanie , Sortony , Xaq , Shoma , Mattingly , Oakleigh
4 Void Chickens: Greta , Pynnelopeigh , Wasper , Fretso
2 Dinosaurs: Airwrecka , Bi
7 Goats: Grokers , Mabo , Como , Ritso , Fetse , Felle , Kesalynn
2 : Reifyl , Brorte
3 White Cows: Maicein , Kashmonay , Ptimothy
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