summer is married to Penny , has a 237 day old daughter named liting and a 164 day old son named 仔仔 , and has a pet dog named Yogi.
Farm horse: Grover
1 Void Chicken: 琉璃
2 Rabbits: 龙眼 , 马格
1 Duck: 雨露
1 Brown Chicken: 马琪
10 Sheeps: 豆豆 , 阿贵 , 雪玲 , 晓雨 , 布鲁 , 椰子 , 爱心 , 樱桃 , 珍珠 , 雨果
1 Pig: 小火
1 Goat: 喇叭
1 Brown Cow: 晓云
1 : 麦茶
4 Dinosaurs: 仔仔 , 安妮 , 绮丽 , 阿狗
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