Maja is married to Sebastian , has a 94 day old daughter named Beatrice and a 21 day old son named Damian , and has a pet cat named Tinana.
Farm horse: Brella
2 Dinosaurs: Lalbert , Gunu
3 Void Chickens: Pumers , Snollo , Botina
2 Brown Chickens: Lenley , Snitchie
1 Rabbit: Gakick
2 Ducks: Na-bell , Wortibo
1 White Chicken: Pinello
1 Sheep: Rocku
1 Brown Cow: Metchie
4 Pigs: Fecke , Frino , Zitizor , Kelley
2 Goats: In-vitro , Pritsers
1 White Cow: Citchue
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