Juan José is married to Nath , has a 107 day old daughter named Sienna and a 14 day old son named Aaron , and has a pet cat named Mía.
Farm horse: Denver
3 Brown Chickens: Shumby , Pollito , Pese
1 Rabbit: Platano
4 Ducks: Pruma , Trurley , Tromu , Bripo
1 Void Chicken: !^$&*
3 Dinosaurs: Certabell , Tiburoncin , Dr. Connors
5 Goats: Futsumo , IiIa , Premers , Poze , Meee
1 Brown Cow: Frelli
1 Sheep: Sepa
3 White Cows: Shinnie , Amorcito , Jumbo
2 Pigs: Lulos , Fernard
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