Jiji is married to Harvey , has a 586 day old son named Sanji and a 374 day old daughter named Jihae , and has a pet cat named Puffy.
Farm horse: Dash
6 Rabbits: Cipi , Fa , Riri , Rabby , Roy , Robby
6 Dinosaurs: Marti , Lizzy , Fosi , Kitsie , Lizzie , Zacki
4 Brown Cows: Cucu , Cacao , Clara , Coco
6 Sheeps: Shina , Binu , Chuffy , Shawn , Shine , Pito
2 White Cows: Phoebe , Wortello
6 Goats: Geela , Nine , Gab , Goo , Gotye , Gwenw
4 Pigs: Gollie , George , Poi , Peppa
5 Ducks: Dudu , Demi , Tripabell , Tu , Daisy
3 Blue Chickens: Lu , Zasi , Trotchi
2 Brown Chickens: Vanessa , Jemima
2 Void Chickens: Dark , Darki
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