Jarrad is married to Sebastian , has a 186 day old son named Kat and a 111 day old daughter named Sam , and has a pet cat named James.
Farm horse: Grover
5 Void Chickens: Faners , Zitello , Sirtell , Jollurt , Tratcha
2 Brown Chickens: Gramo , Jasley
1 White Chicken: Wecke
1 Duck: Jonello
2 Dinosaurs: Prapino , Jurt
1 Rabbit: Snungus
7 Brown Cows: Gakell , Snuse , Pone , Snussie , Prasko , Mi , Bikabella
2 Goats: Snosu , Turt
1 White Cow: Frukers
1 Sheep: Trino
1 Pig: Batsabo
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