Alexandir Sik is married to Leah , has a 82 day old daughter named Kibariye , and has a pet dog named Comar.
Farm horse: Yes,Ben
2 Void Chickens: Kuzi Tennim , Rojin 2.0
2 Dinosaurs: Dino , $^%*a
3 Rabbits: Karabiberlik , Davsiq , Tuzluk
1 White Chicken: Davuk
3 Ducks: VER ÖPEYİ , OOOYYY , DediKoynumd
1 Brown Chicken: Bozgun
3 Goats: Inanamiyoru , Soyledi yok , Diren
3 Sheeps: Bak ellerim , amucuk , *%#^ass
3 Pigs: Tayyip , AmerikanPolis , Bogum
1 : Yar beline bel
1 White Cow: War Cebeci
1 Brown Cow: Emrah
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