Georgia is married to Sebastian , has a 372 day old daughter named Calliope and a 307 day old son named Xander , and has a pet cat named Tangerine.
Farm horse: Optimus
6 Void Chickens: Persephone , Melpomene , Eris , Hecate , Discordia , Nyx
1 Blue Chicken: Harmonia
3 Ducks: Inana , Circe , Hestia
1 Brown Chicken: Hera
2 : Frigga , Sif
4 White Cows: Calypso , Penelope , Cassandra , Minthe
3 Goats: Iris , Minerva , Hyacinth
1 Brown Cow: Daphne
6 Sheeps: Kore , Bellona , Venus , Eurydice , Juno , Helen
5 Pigs: Antigone , Demeter , Fortuna , Madea , Gaia
2 Dinosaurs: Pebble , Jewel
4 Rabbits: Sage , Basil , Cumin , Pepper
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