Kong is married to Leah , has a 72 day old daughter named Kendra and a 0 day old son named Liam , and has a pet cat named Maple.
Farm horse: Baxter
17 White Cows: Tremo , Basurt , Snopell , Fiters , Chona , Brimu , Rinello , Kosizor , Tresley , Piskers , Wotsa , Zutche , Wona , Prune , Bokina , ^&*$y , Nartony
19 Brown Cows: Zona , Shenu , Chortley , Frapo , Grickie , Kurters , Zutchers , Prongus , Choka , Frallo , Frupu , Frukabell , Bona , Pep , Ni , Prussie , Gupina , Serters , Chesique
24 : Resa , Birda , Zorti , Chollers , Pallo , Tretsow , Leckers , Weppa , Wetsi , Netche , Gata , Jaboo , Luckomo , Kunabella , Prutchi , Pa , Purtabell , Cupo , Fro , Fruffy , Jenu , Tinabella , Wong , Zotabella
36 Goats: Pracka , Miskers , Popo , Za-bell , Zurt , Zirtell , Chiskers , Nopa , Brona , Soka , Prello , Pretsi , Grasper , Snetchie , Grurtie , Winana , Sillard , Bonumo , Bepa , Snotchu , Bu , Mockomo , Pesoo , Snetch , Wini , Pamo , Furtu , Bella , Mellley , Jesley , Nussie , FeFe , Prikello , Gremino , Grotcho , Fona
24 Ducks: Lella , Rortabo , Grananie , Papley , Gomers , Chupa , Pupe , Wonaboo , Retch , Grosino , Ruse , Mesicka , Sine , Jillo , Frese , Prutina , Prumo , Jertizor , Bratello , Brotchley , Sna-bell , Gitcho , Sharto , Chesona
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