Winnie is married to Elliott , has a 177 day old son named Cilly and a 99 day old daughter named Frisa , and has a pet dog named Cookie.
Farm horse: Cheto
3 Ducks: Trinana , Bona , Mokie
2 Void Chickens: Chorta , Zetsa
3 White Chickens: Jocko , Trilbo , Bella
2 Rabbits: Nitsie , Mona
5 Pigs: Grunoze , Shimsy , Fralbert , Cipa , Wem
3 Goats: Kirtono , Tutsley , Grinono
1 : Pinsy
5 Sheeps: Namumo , Sutsover , Lalli , Snackicka , Pritell
3 Brown Cows: Snikick , Snubbie , Sullo
2 White Cows: Licky , Snipu
8 Blue Chickens: Tutsurt , Solley , Zumi , ^&*$y , Bru , Feckardo , Sherta , Zilbert
2 Dinosaurs: Shimo , Lokaboo
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