Ellie is unmarried,has a 78 day old son named Joey Jr. and a 151 day old daughter named Jessie Jr. , and has a pet cat named Buckley.
Farm horse: Shimmer
6 Rabbits: Sam , Munu , Yara , JJ , Fuffy , Lev
6 Dinosaurs: Neil , Nessie , Rexy , Bockazard , Dina , Luckique
4 Pigs: Tommy , Frank , Bill , Micah
4 : Wurtley , Eugene , Nisell , Nora
3 Void Chickens: Lotley , Trumby , Nyx
4 Ducks: Owen , Mel , Manny , Fillard
1 Blue Chicken: Norah
3 Brown Cows: Brutchu , Shuponie , Barturt
2 Goats: Abby , Jesse
4 Sheeps: Riley , Ish , Maria , Marlene
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