Harrold is married to Harvey , has a 138 day old daughter named Trina and a 60 day old son named Fred , and has a pet cat named Callie.
4 Goats: Snozzy , Paola , Malbert , Wina
5 White Cows: Trixie , Prima , Risotta , Shasper , Kimono
5 Brown Chickens: Lello , Chonky , Cupu , Chopi , Willsonson
1 Void Chicken: Trudy
2 White Chickens: Ni , Cinona
2 Dinosaurs: Shumbo , Meckers
4 Ducks: Sternum , Genny , Pracku , Brockers
3 Rabbits: Bakoze , Cupid , Canini
3 Sheeps: Trucki , Bobbyson , Jine
1 Pig: Kullu
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