Scarlett is married to Sebastian , has a 214 day old son named Ewan Walker and a 135 day old daughter named Nicky Price , and has a pet cat named Ewan.
Farm horse: Peanut
12 Rabbits: Tranurt , Snash , Fanu , Gropo , Jipo , Takell , Mumbus , Snetley , Zisito , Briso , Zino , Bockers
12 Ducks: Pineapple , Grurt , Croissant , Jellello , Peke , Cucumber , Grella , NuNu , Wollers , Brutchie , Toastie , Ropover
4 White Cows: Truti , Beefy , Tretsie , Fonini
6 Goats: Cetsiba , Buna , Snartie , Trulley , Greko , Toto
2 Brown Cows: Steak , Prutu
12 Void Chickens: Rene , Wickard , Nona , Witch , Trutsers , Pack , Rota , Nepi , Zitie , Grotchu , Jonoda , Grus
12 Dinosaurs: Grecley , Tratello , Canny , Pertawwwww , Tesabellaw , Cickard , Tatche , So-mo , fatass , Chimonie , Bumbus , Gra
8 White Chickens: Numbus , Bricky , Cream , Panny , Nella , Zenu , Egg , Mutcho
4 Brown Chickens: Zinono , Woners , Chucka , Ratcho
12 Pigs: Jilly , Snutsa , Prilbo , Famique , Zurley , Brolli , Gina , Snima , Chakers , Bratso , Shucke , Chukabell
12 Sheeps: Brucku , Kupe , Kong , Womers , Zertell , Tatrina , Sinie , Tiki , Chatche , Rotchu , Lollo , Toma
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