Cyrus is married to Leah , has no children, and has a pet dog named Sebelius.
Farm horse: Grover
16 Dinosaurs: Snupos , Trunurt , Letch , Lutso , Fackabell , Greenray , Zover , Wubbie , Sosa , Snotso , Gramaw , Ritie , Wunaboo , Fitchie , Frilly , Tiata
2 Ducks: Comley , Jopi
2 Rabbits: Welle , Frurtu
4 Pigs: Sollu , Nome , Prutchi , Nulli
8 Goats: Satso , Mete , Tremers , Zoto , Tru , Trito , Jite , Greppo
4 Blue Chickens: Jean Luc , Chilli , Bingo , Bandit
11 Brown Cows: Tranabella , Fetchleyeeee , Brakumo , Mepo , Jotcha , Curtu , Cesello , Juni , Foze , Traners , Mesabell
1 White Cow: Frirtie
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