Kharii is married to Elliott , has a 959 day old daughter named Kaya and a 891 day old son named Charlie , and has a pet dog named Bandit.
Farm horse: Ninny
2 Goats: Greta , Geraldyne
3 Brown Cows: Babe , Daisy , Baby
2 Sheeps: Mutton , Myrtle
2 Pigs: Pinky , Perky
1 White Cow: Bessie
1 : Pronie
3 Brown Chickens: Feather , Lady , Percival
2 Void Chickens: Voidra , Stegosauce
2 Dinosaurs: Khariisaraus , Rawrosaraus
2 Rabbits: Dusty , Snowy
2 Ducks: Gertrude , Grey
1 White Chicken: Lenin
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