Fufu is married to Leah , has a 331 day old son named William and a 263 day old daughter named Chloe , and has a pet cat named Smithsonian.
Farm horse: Grover
2 Dinosaurs: Fretch , Grinano
9 White Chickens: Bromea , Chetcha , Shumbya , Galliformesa , Gallus , Aves , Conieas , Bupe , Chatsa
2 Void Chickens: Snirto , Fotos
8 Brown Chickens: Rikie , Chinana , Nocku , Brover , Phasianinae , Neso , Brilbert , Frenabella
4 Rabbits: Prella , Natsick , Snutie , Wortina
11 Ducks: Snenello , Shelloaas , Trickomo , Feckardo , Ra , Trikie , Zutsaas , Anseriformes , Anasas , Anatidae , Shutchie
8 Pigs: Freppa , Gate , Petsos , Cepeas , Trepu , Treppa , Jomiaaaaaaa , Wetsie
9 White Cows: Snumabella , Nisley , Gretsu , Ba , Kipa , Piana , Kellers , Cheno , Murtomo
3 Brown Cows: Brubba , Gite , Snino
5 Goats: Pone , Sep , Jockell , Franicko , Snartu
5 Sheeps: Snetcha , Chubbie , Protsie , Satso , Cipabella
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