JiFish is married to Maru , has no children, and has a pet cat named Niko.
Farm horse: binky
7 Ducks: Kartie , Bepo , Weppa , Grano , Leppo , Jelly Baby , Episode 2
10 Dinosaurs: Rimers , Zona , Diablo , Chong , Mr.Crowley , Dr.Plumb , Kumar , Cthulhu , Tsunami , Alpha Rex
2 Rabbits: Zumbo , Gute
2 Void Chickens: Shona , Watell
1 Brown Chicken: Shutchers
4 White Cows: Jinsy , Rella , Kiana , Mona
6 Goats: Snolli , Bolla , Shaboo , Minu , Tanngnjostr , Tanngrisnir
5 Sheeps: Wimie , Grapody , Chrysomallos , Aries , Squee
1 Brown Cow: Grumby
1 Pig: Triskers
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