Samuel is married to Leah , has a 242 day old daughter named Berry and a 161 day old son named Aster , and has a pet cat named Moshy.
Farm horse: Maty
22 Pigs: Winnie , Tito , Bucky , Natasha , Laufey , Peppo , Wendy , Sauna , Chinte , ^$#!o , Charley , Piggie , Kalbert , Patello , Chowder , Joel , Besta , Ashley , Nano , Frus , Ritley , Titers
9 Dinosaurs: Clover , Rover , Shaw , Lily , Choco , Celly , Jazz , Oof , Peep
1 Rabbit: Pringles
1 White Chicken: Poke
1 Blue Chicken: Poppy
1 Brown Cow: Marnie
1 White Cow: Linda
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