Dean is married to Maru , has a 354 day old son named Bobby and a 262 day old daughter named Mary , and has a pet dog named Sam.
Farm horse: Castiel
6 Pigs: Roba , Pubbads , Mena , Wulli , Cellabella , Mellanie
2 Sheeps: Chumbu , Fratsu
2 White Cows: Teb , Frernard
6 Brown Cows: Mallonie , Feffe , Jiana , Netsie , Bremurt , Chackie
7 Goats: Bitumer , Charters , Fisers , Zona , Roze , Chapu , Bitad
12 Dinosaurs: Surtumo , Mupina , Colle , Wuku , Fanabella , Poso , Snungus , Chutie , Titsell , Challie , Sno-mo , Matrina
4 Rabbits: Wumby , Buffy , Wonody , Finody
4 Ducks: Grukizordaa , Pa-bell , Nortodor , Gopomor
4 Brown Chickens: Moso , Frosa , Koze , Shuna
2 Void Chickens: Shetchleyd , Bisabell
2 White Chickens: Prina , Tranas
1 Blue Chicken: Belle
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