Elmer is married to Haley , has a 244 day old daughter named Sni-Sni and a 150 day old son named Lu-Lu , and has a pet cat named Mia.
Farm horse: Grover
3 White Chickens: No-mowwwwe , Snitcho , Lortleye
4 Rabbits: Chenley , Trotcha , Sneppo , Grotche
3 Ducks: Freckie , Trerley , Chacko
1 Blue Chicken: Furt
1 Brown Chicken: Kona
3 Goats: Shesley , Snutaniedsde , Chubbie
3 Pigs: Witumo , Getcho , Berti
4 Sheeps: Sirtodysee , Chanaddddd , Shuno , Zickoo
1 Brown Cow: Gimabellaaae
1 White Cow: Cenabella
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