Rorrik is unmarried,has a 45 day old son named Aviino and a 18 day old daughter named Rosalie , and has a pet cat named Cannoli.
Farm horse: Dolcini
7 Ducks: Scifi , Biography , Horror , Mystery , Fantasy , Monferno , Klink
1 Blue Chicken: Blueberry
1 Void Chicken: Dark Choco
1 Brown Chicken: Aerodactyl
2 White Cows: Shroomish , Winter
2 Brown Cows: Riolu , Spring
8 Goats: Bidoof , Ruby , Sapphire , Diamond , Amethyst , Tirtouga , Emerald , Rose Quartz
4 Rabbits: Musharna , Powder , Flurry , Electivire
2 Sheeps: Wigglytuff , Sandygast
3 Dinosaurs: Gold , Iridium , Dewott
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