Defilon is married to Leah , has a 115 day old son named Luffy and a 28 day old daughter named Dixie , and has a pet dog named Dean.
Farm horse: Sam
4 Ducks: Sapi , Curturt , Bucki , Porters
1 White Chicken: Nemo
3 Brown Chickens: Frus , Fiana , Gi
4 Rabbits: Frumbo , Tresa , Putsomo , Jurley
1 White Cow: Gatsurt
4 Pigs: Pramabella , Cika , Fanibo , Takumo
4 Goats: Zatcha , Trilley , Zoners , Chano
3 Brown Cows: Pinibo , Fra-bella , Ceni
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