Allen is married to Emily , has a 193 day old daughter named Holo and a 125 day old son named Keima , and has a pet dog named Dog.
Farm horse: Horse
2 Brown Chickens: Lina , Lina2
2 Blue Chickens: Rylai2 , Rylai
4 Ducks: Shendelzare , Techies , Slithice , Zharvakko
2 Void Chickens: Purist2 , Purist
2 White Chickens: Chana , Tretsa
3 White Cows: Aggron , Ezalor , Eredar
3 Brown Cows: Barathrum , Tusk , Lion
6 Goats: Warlock , Chen , Furion , Anub'arak , Leshrac , Dirge
6 Sheeps: Lul , Rhasta , Gondar , Jakiro , Abaddon , Rooftrellen
6 Pigs: Dazzle , Jah'rakal , Darchrow , Lallini , Visage , Rikimaru
3 Dinosaurs: Rubick , Thrall , Kaldr
9 Rabbits: Frinabella , Kel'Thuzad2 , Venomancer , Venomancer2 , Aiushtha2 , Wimley , Kel'Thuzad , Sasper , Aiushtha
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