Rin is married to Leah , has a 206 day old son named Michal and a 118 day old daughter named Hanna , and has a pet cat named Goku.
Farm horse: Grover
5 Sheeps: Shep , Matthew , Proka , Calvinator , Frarto
1 White Chicken: Celle
1 White Cow: ProJared
1 Void Chicken: BrutalMoose
8 Brown Chickens: Azu , Pbg , Kirito , Truffy , Putty , Chover , Kergan , Pikachu
1 Blue Chicken: Fepu
4 Pigs: Melle , Grillber , Pigges , Chalula
3 Brown Cows: JonTron , Moo , BCowee
1 Dinosaur: Pretsa
1 Rabbit: Bunny 1
3 Ducks: Rose , Whitney , Leafy
4 Goats: Motso , God , Peckardo , Dodger
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