Devon is married to Sam , has no children, and has a pet dog named Ferd.
Farm horse: Shooter
3 Sheeps: Sanumo , Tona , Mockique
2 White Cows: Chonu , Na
4 Ducks: Brita , Takell , Frurt , Patchu
2 Brown Chickens: Shekie , S$^#*
3 Pigs: Tonoda , Rika , Koko
1 Brown Cow: Pime
3 Dinosaurs: Frisi , Betcho , Sesi
3 Rabbits: Romu , Guku , Kusello
3 Void Chickens: Zepoze , Tash , Bitsa
3 Goats: Timu , Shetsi , Peffe
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