Lesley is married to Elliott , has a 155 day old son named Celian and a 66 day old daughter named Sophie , and has a pet cat named Monty.
Farm horse: Basper
3 White Chickens: Notsie , Cecil , Nuffy
1 White Cow: Prelle
6 Ducks: Shellers , Zose , Shilbert , Quackers , Gatchley , Nitell
3 Brown Chickens: Fonu , Frune , Nocke
1 Blue Chicken: Lunomo
3 Pigs: Chetcha , Pitcha , Ruby
3 Brown Cows: Pine , Lesona , Reta
1 Dinosaur: Rex
2 Rabbits: Prella , Brellie
4 Void Chickens: Lickaboo , Siku , Charlie , Fimsy
1 Goat: Fritcher
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