Trudi is married to Alex , has a 114 day old son named Link and a 46 day old daughter named Zelda , and has a pet cat named Fritizor.
Farm horse: Kirtabell
12 Void Chickens: Valleto , Vroka , Vreppo , Vetchers , Vumi , Vrubba , Vatrina , Vusu , Vetsie , Vokabell , Vratche , Veppa
1 Blue Chicken: Bra
7 Pigs: Prunoo , Prarti , Patso , Pratsi , Pirto , Pinell , Prullu
3 Rabbits: Rullito , Rumbo , Rortley
7 Ducks: Duna , Duno , Dupers , Dem , Pinano , Dokabell , Damaboo
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