Jarvis is married to Abigail , has a 147 day old son named Addison and a 78 day old daughter named Chloe , and has a pet cat named Cooper.
Farm horse: Grover
3 Dinosaurs: Tertabella , Licki , Zutse
12 Pigs: Whole , Outta Names , Cinie , Succ , Tretcha , Justeen , Trutsie , Skinny !*&%^ , Ra-bell , Tinnie , Zilli , Brella
12 Goats: Bake , Gacka , Gecke , Treme , Wuffy , Chussie , Gomello , Frocko , Pretch , Bra , Nini , Tope
9 Ducks: Tupa , Nipa , Lony , Trotsi , Lisurt , Gocki , Wo-Wo , Fakell , Womo
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