Yolisaurio is married to Haley , has a 72 day old daughter named Harmony , and has a pet cat named Luno.
Farm horse: Oat
5 White Cows: Opal , Pantuflas , Toffe , Sombrero , Volcano
3 White Chickens: Tofu , Avellana , Pistacho
1 Brown Chicken: Harrison
12 Pigs: Mustard , Casino , Tocino , Pantalones , Zapatilla , Oliva , Jomabo , Camisa , Autumn , Tres , Jumbo , Ketchup
1 Brown Cow: Bosque
4 Dinosaurs: Libra , Cordillera , Cereal , Soy
4 Rabbits: Mermelada , Finn , Museum , Alameda
12 Ducks: Syrup , Jelly , Charles , Donut , Moze , River , Peanut , Bigote , Bufanda , Baking , Brownie , Storm
6 Goats: Crochet , Curry , Merken , Vainilla , Canela , Caramelo
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