Cali is married to Leah , has a 116 day old son named Tom and a 26 day old daughter named Lily , and has a pet cat named Dudley.
Farm horse: Jolly Jumper
2 Sheeps: Copa , Co
1 White Cow: Gine
1 White Chicken: Trutchley
3 Brown Chickens: Sirte , Protsi , Resu
6 Pigs: Killey , Trune , Wetsurt , Choni , Nellabella , Zurto
1 Brown Cow: Pimody
4 Rabbits: Ra-bell , Pinana , Rakers , Mase
4 Ducks: Zutcha , Gepley , Gratiq , Sillyq
2 Goats: Nungus , Chinos
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