William is married to Abigail , has a 133 day old daughter named Lila and a 43 day old son named Jack , and has a pet dog named Wicky.
Farm horse: Gumby
2 Sheeps: Prisie , Ropu
1 White Cow: Mane
4 White Chickens: Janny , Tirtino , Chaka , Jasa
4 Brown Chickens: Katso , Rernard , Chetse , Trananie
2 Pigs: Nuke , Witley
3 Brown Cows: Kotso , Pranuee , Lipo
12 Rabbits: Raka , Wuffy , Titchie , Lirdo , Rartu , Sa-Sa , Fronellosssss , Pranny , Piti , Wito , Wene , Pimi
4 Ducks: Resa , Tetsello , Shertie , Tananie
4 Goats: Zecka , Bremumo , Grotumo , Cutchi
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