Minh Tuan Bui is married to Haley , has a 19 day old son named Peter , and has a pet dog named Murphy.
Farm horse: Flash
4 Sheeps: Shiskers , Zumby , Paka , Nutley
3 White Cows: Gopa , Leckody , Ganley
3 White Chickens: Siners , Kimaboo , Trinizor
1 Brown Chicken: Malbert
8 Pigs: Bomell , Chu , Fomie , Fitio , Fatche , Botchu , Lopi , Sony
5 Brown Cows: Tonie , Preffe , Kuta , Chetcha , Chullo
4 Rabbits: Rarti , Tese , Finell , Jungus
4 Ducks: Jirda , Bimonie , Sho , Gongus
4 Goats: Ga , Warturt , Juka , Wakaboo
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