Armin is married to Sebastian , has a 205 day old son named Caleb and a 140 day old daughter named Sophie , and has a pet cat named Kellin.
Farm horse: Marcellus
4 Sheeps: Slouffoose , Soph , Soraru , Kami-sama
1 White Cow: Suka
1 White Chicken: Autumn
1 Pig: Mafumafu
1 Brown Cow: Kate
2 Ducks: Pri , Ikanaide
3 Rabbits: Rona , Lela , Kutcho
2 Void Chickens: Chook , Henry
13 Goats: Seckers , Chutsu , Sebbinator , Shosu , Wiku , Cho , Kokinu , Fratabo , Runover , Zota , Noni , Sukabella , Shapumo
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