Zilatil is married to Abigail , has no children, and has a pet cat named Umbreon.
Farm horse: Ponyta
2 Sheeps: Tirtabo , Miti
1 White Cow: Gash
3 White Chickens: Pro , Zitos , Bre
5 Brown Chickens: Wokie , Sinos , Nu , Lunie , Zus
6 Pigs: Shese , Slave001a , Gukoo , Nama , Jeka , Tapanie
3 Brown Cows: Pesi , Lilly , Meckell
6 Ducks: Frumbus , Matsa , Cho , Tresello , Wartony , Soze
4 Goats: Breffe , Foma , Ca , Kuni
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