Ellie is married to Sebastian , has a 335 day old son named Luke and a 268 day old daughter named Judith , and has a pet cat named Steve.
Farm horse: Rapidash
3 Sheeps: Flaaffy , Ampharos , Mareep
1 White Chicken: Weedle
1 Void Chicken: Ariados
1 Brown Chicken: Genesect
2 Pigs: Spoink , Grumpig
4 Brown Cows: Miltank , Boffulant , Snorlax , Tauros
2 Dinosaurs: Larvesta , Volcarona
2 Rabbits: Volbeat , Illumise
5 Ducks: Spewpa , Shuckle , Burmy , Accelgor , Leavanny
3 Goats: Stantler , Skiddo , Gogoat
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