Taylor is married to Sebastian , has a 79 day old daughter named Piper , and has a pet dog named Poundcake.
1 Sheep: Washd
3 White Cows: Chowy , Grosie , Socku
1 White Chicken: Bean
3 Brown Chickens: Pun , Gumby , Jollanie
13 Pigs: Laspera , Grumbo , Rusurts , Pretzel , Porky , Snoot , Fillersa , Jack , Cepley , Sallover , Bong , Jumbo , Trilley
2 Brown Cows: Sukia , Bell
5 Ducks: Tirto , Chumbus , Ritchers , Kinano , Jacke
1 Rabbit: CoCo
1 Void Chicken: Keti
1 Goat: Shoe
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