Dick Wolf is married to Alex , has a 32 day old son named Gayby , and has a pet dog named Bork Doggo.
Farm horse: Big Ol' Doggo
2 Sheeps: The Masses , Illuminati
4 White Cows: Cowabunga , Ebony , ( $ Y $ ) , Zika Carrier
2 White Chickens: Proletariat , 13
2 Brown Chickens: Crap Bag , Xterminator
55 Pigs: Roboslop , Bilbo Bacons , Pigderella , Pig Lebowski , The Piggles , Boar2D2 , NotoriousPIG , Einswine , Sir Loinsalot , MC Hammer , B|||||||||||||||||D~~ , Eat My Loins , Pug , Piggy Smalls , Pjork , Big Bad Wolf , Kevin Bacon , Bacon Bits , Gip , Kris P Bacon , Lechon , Iggy Piggy , Piggy Azalea , "Bae"con , Hamplanet , iPiggy , Piggy Koopa , Hamlet , Hambeast , Justin Pigber , NYPD's Best , Adolf Pigler , My Ex-Wife , Spigderman , Tender Loin , Pork Vader , Spamela , Pigi Minaj , Oinkenstein , Pigachu , Pork Doggo , Phig Life , Pig Jong Un , Hambo , Pig Jong Il , Elvis Pigsley , Sir Loin , Brad Pigg , Voldepork , Snoop Pigg , Trotsky , Chewbacon , Tumblrina , Capitalist , Hamdalf
3 Brown Cows: Mammanator , Obama , Progeny X
2 Dinosaurs: *%#^asaurus , Tricera*%#^
2 Void Chickens: Darnell Malik , Freaky Niggy
2 Rabbits: Eviscerator , Filth
2 Ducks: Hooter McGi , Quackin Hell
3 Goats: Goatse.com , Unwanted , McAsshole
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape