Del is married to Alex , has a 203 day old daughter named Ella and a 117 day old son named Lucas , and has a pet cat named Ellie.
Farm horse: Dolly
3 Sheeps: Becca , Bonnie , Samm
6 White Cows: Katie , Pippa , Lacey , Dooshee , Josie , Sonia
2 White Chickens: Gray , Yellow
2 Brown Chickens: Goldie , Transient
1 Blue Chicken: Mel
2 Pigs: Kraven , Faceless
1 Dinosaur: Manda
2 Ducks: Lulu , Igina
3 Rabbits: Delph , Jah , Scarlett
1 Void Chicken: Mimi
1 Goat: Jah
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