Danielle is married to Harvey , has a 275 day old son named Bernie and a 207 day old daughter named Hillary , and has a pet dog named Roxanne.
Farm horse: Majesty
3 Sheeps: Woolie , Bramblepelt , Frenchiewa
1 White Chicken: Beni
3 Brown Chickens: Griffin , Justin , Travis
5 Pigs: Microa , Winky McGee , Myrtle , Snooties , Rindle
2 Brown Cows: Reina , Bellawa
2 Dinosaurs: Piffds , Paff
2 Ducks: Rylees , Sydnee
2 Rabbits: Bunsen , Radish
1 Void Chicken: Melenaa
2 Goats: Billy , Bonita
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