Levi is married to Elliott , has a 110 day old son named Aiden and a 20 day old daughter named Celeste , and has a pet cat named Kaname.
Farm horse: Akihiko Usami
2 Sheeps: Zoze , Ratchu
2 White Cows: Shika , Shunoze
1 White Chicken: Akihiko
3 Brown Chickens: Shiharu , Asuna , Shutsa
2 Pigs: Chisumo , Gitchley
2 Dinosaurs: Jon Snow , Mucley
1 Void Chicken: Cikoo
2 Rabbits: Wino , Mitsie
2 Ducks: Fona , Guko
3 Goats: Tinana , Shona , Shima
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