Tho is married to Abigail , has a 77 day old son named Spring , and has a pet cat named Pikachu.
Farm horse: Luck :*
2 Sheeps: Gupe , Zasko
2 White Cows: Bobo , Brinurt
10 Void Chickens: Shisu , Brupa , Wanny , Pripo , Sumino , Shaboo , Frepaboo , Mella , Snella , Snanny
10 Brown Chickens: Cuna , Potchow , Grane , Tropu , Satsaboo , Prani , Zitsomo , Breppo , Bepabell , Nimody
3 Pigs: Mokers , Coma , Bretsu
10 Brown Cows: Prollo , Fernard , Ticley , Furto , Tinono , Kumbo , Pisa , Kapos , Felley , Trollers
10 Dinosaurs: Dino , Gakio , Snicko , Cisley , Gubba , Brananie , Churto , Pratumo , Rinnie , Setsaboo
8 Ducks: Trumby , Jongus , Fonicka , Nep , Zinumo , Frane , Getcha , Zetch
5 Goats: Zosabella , Witchu , Lella , Jabo , Borta
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