Lawiet is married to Haley , has a 117 day old daughter named Judy and a 8 day old son named Levi , and has a pet dog named Courage.
Farm horse: Maximus
7 White Cows: Gucka , Juma , Jino , Wasper , Tipito , Brulle , Nortover
4 Ducks: Prusw , Mella , Lakia , BroBro
4 Brown Chickens: Gojira , Sika+ , T-rex , Nuckasd
9 Pigs: Cuffy , Frakers , Worteddddd , Nuckewwwww , Fotsley , Baw , Granuw , Grumbus , Naruto
5 Brown Cows: Wello , Teti , Suffy , Zutsizora , Kolley
10 Rabbits: Tro-Tro , Judy , Jussies , Wikie , Rocco , East , Snow Ball , Chemo , Kutello , Rabbit
10 Void Chickens: Fana , Mo , Ho Tri Nhan , Pi , Cimie , Shover , Prartu , Praboo , Gatcho , Jata
9 Goats: Kasper , Lano , Rutchoddddd , Snickoaaaaa , Busis , Ratrina , Kutchi , Gicko , Rartie
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