Nui is married to Penny , has a 189 day old son named Finn and a 101 day old daughter named Face , and has a pet cat named Git.
Farm horse: Leo
1 Sheep: Grimi
2 White Cows: Chu-Chu , Jungus
2 White Chickens: Frone , Gongus
1 Brown Chicken: Ponover
3 Pigs: Granie , Cilbert , Natrina
4 Brown Cows: Pullello , Gep , Bred , Nackaw
12 Dinosaurs: Soku , Pri , Protley , Brenu , Kona , Cetche , Tro , Jockoo , Fekumo , Topers , Ja-bell , Brungus
6 Ducks: Caters , Sus-Sus , Snatsa , Cash , Grinano , Prokers
6 Rabbits: Snarto , Paishe , Wurtio , Pine , Kony , Rellabella
5 Void Chickens: Truners , Tricka , Famabo , Gotcha , Mipell
2 Goats: Kinua , Silly
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